Termite Barriers
A chemical termite barrier can be a fantastic option for anyone looking to protect their home or business over the long term. These are used during pre- or post-construction phases in buildings and for renovations and represent physical or mechanical impediments to termite foraging activities.
Termite Barriers Installation

Termite barriers come in different types – physical and chemical. Physical barriers usually include sand, basaltic particle barriers, and stainless steel mesh barriers, while chemical versions use materials that are treated with termiticide. The latter have the advantage of being implemented at any time, and can either kill the termites or simply deter them from your property.
All Purpose Pest Control recommends the HomeGuard termite barrier and has already used it with excellent results for a large number of Australian homeowners.
About HomeGuard

How it works
HomeGuard provides a unique 3-way action to ensure protection of the structure.
- Repelling termites away from the barrier
- Killing termites upon contact
- Acting as a physical vapour barrier and damp proofing membrane
HomeGuard – encompasses the combined strengths of both physical and chemical barriers to deliver triple action termite management. Unlike common physical termite barriers that are a passive system, HomeGuard is a pro-active termite management system, effectively killing termites on contact and repelling attacking termites.

HomeGuard is user-friendly and can be installed in wet weather, it will not delaminate or cut like some physical barriers and being non-scheduled and non-sensitizing is unlikely to cause installer or builder discomfort. Designed as a tough and flexible barrier, it will not delaminate, split or tear, is noncorrosive and is designed to last the life of the building. HomeGuard will not leach or diffuse, effectively locking in the active ingredient to enhance its efficacy, longevity while remaining environmentally friendly and safe to the homeowner.
What makes HomeGuard Different?
- HomeGuard – saves you money because HomeGuard TMB 0.2 mm sheet complies with the Australian Standard AS2870, as a high impact, moisture barrier. HomeGuard DPC 0.5mm sheet meets the Australian Building Codes Board requirements for a perimeter cavity DPC, with slabs installed in accordance with AS 2870; HomeGuard collars meet the Australian Standards for the protection of service penetrations.
- HomeGuard – is backed with a 50 year million dollar Limited and conditional Product Warranty when installed by a HomeGuard Accredited Installer, in accordance with the product label, and the installation guide.
- HomeGuard – is non-evasive. Installed during the pre-construction phase of a home, the materials in HomeGuard are designed to last the life of the building. There is a need for, at least, one annual timber pest inspection (more often in High Termite pressure areas) to ensure that the barrier has not been tampered with or breached.
- HomeGuard is a pro-active physical barrier system. It actively stops termites entering the structure via concealed access, by repelling them away from the site or by killing them if they come in contact the barrier. HomeGuard does more than a normal physical termite barrier.

Please contact one of our friendly staff for a no obligation quote on protecting your new home from termites.
Remember, the decision you make today on your termite barrier is the one that remains with you for the life of your home. Don’t waste this opportunity to select the correct barrier that suits you.